lunedì 30 aprile 2012

Oh Kate...we love your skirt!

This Kate Bosworth outfit is stunning! I like the mix of the light green and fresh skirt with the grey sweater! What do your think about this outfit?

L'outfit di Kate è meraviglioso! Mi piace molto il mix tra la gonna leggere e il maglioncino grigio. Voi che ne pensate?

And so..get inspired!
Ed ora..prendete ispirazione!

zara skirt

zara skirt. plissè

zara light green skirt

Skirt by Zara

2 commenti:

  1. Love the skirt, but really don't like the shoes she's wearing with it! I need that first pink skirt in my wardrobe! xo

  2. I love Kate's style so much!


thanks for your sweet comments! <3